Privacy Policy

Burnsco respects your privacy.  We comply with the Privacy Act 2020 regarding how we collect, use, disclose, store and give access to personal information. 

Why do we collect information?

Information is collected for the purposes of:

  • Creating an online profile for you, including when you join the Burnsco Club 
  • Processing and shipping your orders 
  • Making and retaining records of your transactions for warranty purposes and to keep a record for you of the products you have bought 
  • Entering you in competitions and notifying competition winners 
  • Telling you about new and existing products, deals and services 
  • Giving you first class customer service
  • If you are applying for a position working with us, for the purposes of our employment processes, including reference checking and to contact you if new or changed positions become available 
  • Any other reason which we may notify at the time the information is collected 

If you do not provide us with personal information requested, we may not be able to provide our full range of services to you. 


We may share your personal information:

  • With our group companies or authorised service providers (e.g. in order to store, or provide back up services relating to, the information); or 
  • Where the disclosure is in connection with one of the purposes for which the information was collected (e.g. to courier companies to enable deliveries); or 
  • Where we are required or authorised by law to make disclosure 

We take reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised use or unauthorised disclosure of your information to a third party. 

Cookies & Similar Technology

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in a browser-related file on your computer's hard drive when you use our website. We use cookies to improve the user experience. You can choose to restrict the use of cookies on our website by adjusting your browser settings.

We may also send hashed one-way information to third-party apps in a secure way to capture Enhanced Conversion metrics on the website. 

Your access and correction

You are entitled to access and request correction to your information. In fact we welcome you to update us on any changes of mobile phone, email address or any other relevant information.  Go to Sign In using this link or at the top of our home page or contact us at


Do you have a question about our privacy policy? If so, please contact us at or through our Contact us page.