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Burnsco Portable Toilet 10L
The dimensions shown are very helpful but for a confined space ir would be really useful to know how far the sliding flap-handle pulls out. The depth (front to back) is quoted as 410 mm, how "deep" is it with the handle pulled out ?
Question by: Rob Elwood on 14/12/2021, 11:44 am
Hi Rob and thanks for your enquiry
The depth of the unit with the flap handle pulled out is 490mm
Burnsco Webstore
The depth of the unit with the flap handle pulled out is 490mm
Burnsco Webstore
Answer by: Website Customer Service (GC) on 14/12/2021, 11:50 am
Q Hi there, could you please tell me how much is the carry bag for the Burnsco Portable Toilet 10L
Thank you
Burnsco Answer, price is $19.99 as at 210522 UPC is 34326, due to an error this isn't showing on website at present but our IT team will fix shortly. Most stores do have stock as at 210522
Thank you
Burnsco Answer, price is $19.99 as at 210522 UPC is 34326, due to an error this isn't showing on website at present but our IT team will fix shortly. Most stores do have stock as at 210522
Answer by: Keryne on 21/05/2022, 6:38 am